Tag: Daily Inspiration

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March 11, 2021

Menanam Benih Di Hati Anak Prasekolah

Taman kanak-kanak sehari penuh menghemat ribuan dolar per tahun bagi keluarga untuk biaya perawatan anak, tetapi pemerintah mengeluarkan biaya $1,5 miliar per tahun. Doug Ford tidak akan menjamin masa depan taman kanak-kanak sehari penuh di Ontario Taman kanak-kanak sehari penuh menghemat ribuan dolar setahun bagi…
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May 31, 2020

Camp Kindergarten

Full-day kindergarten saves families thousands of dollars a year in child care costs, but it costs the government $1.5 billion a year. Doug Ford won’t guarantee future of full-day kindergarten in Ontario Full-day kindergarten saves families thousands of dollars a year. Lorem ipsum dolor sit…
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April 30, 2020

Cake Party

Full-day kindergarten saves families thousands of dollars a year in child care costs, but it costs the government $1.5 billion a year. Doug Ford won’t guarantee future of full-day kindergarten in Ontario Full-day kindergarten saves families thousands of dollars a year. Lorem ipsum dolor sit…
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March 31, 2020

Hang Out In The National Park

Full-day kindergarten saves families thousands of dollars a year in child care costs, but it costs the government $1.5 billion a year. Doug Ford won’t guarantee future of full-day kindergarten in Ontario Full-day kindergarten saves families thousands of dollars a year. Lorem ipsum dolor sit…
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